Saturday, September 18, 2004

some satisfaction in the knowledge of truth. Reminders of the truth.

things were going well. Bit of a twist of fate, to wrench me back to my proper place.

Cold nights and rainy days. Something inheirantly beautiful about that. Something about how the trees dance and the rain dulls and blurs all the colours... the words do not come easy, as they used to.

Feeling forgotten, and that is alright. Need to come to grips with the possibility that my life has no other purpose than to serve as a warning to others. This is what happens when you trust people. This is what happens when you believe in people. I don't want that anymore, i want to become... as I used to be. I miss who I used to be. Dreams make one soft. So do not dream. Hope makes one illogical. So do not hope. Take refuge in that which does not require belief. pure... logic. Know that nothing really changes, ever.

two a select few. I hope you fail. I hope you try as hard as you can, and fall on your face. I want to hear you make excuses then, what was it? Oh yes... too stressed out... I remember now... But I don't have to remember anymore...


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