i have a sinking feeling that i've only made things worse. in speaking of how hurt i am... that doesn't do anything. what does it accomplish? jack shit. i have to stop it. but it's only been a day... is that too long? YES. it should have been instantanious you jackass! shit happens, you say no biggie and you get on with it. jesus. this isn't fucking rocket science. i'm too busy moaning and groaning and waxing lyrical about scars, brusises and all tha other metaphorical bullshit. how about i just shut the fuck up before i let something wonderful slip away due to me blowing it way out of fucking porportion. i just need to count. count that she finally told me. count that she's safe. count that she hasn't changed her mind, though with all my being a jackass/jerk/immature fuckhead, she may well have decided to change her mind.
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