Wednesday, October 01, 2003

I suppose that I could sit here and do this for a long time. And not really say anything but that would be stupid. Really really dumb guy in my german class. Wow this kid is a dolt. He's blonde too. And yo9u know what. I'm going to be a superfical ****head and just fly off the handle about him. him with his spikey, perfectly styled blonde hair and abercrombie and bitch t-shirts and sweatshirts and shirt shirts and BLAH! Stupid little high voice and GNAH! wanna punch him in the face. HE BUGS ME. Dunno why. he just. DOES. Really stupid too. or at least that's the way he came off. reallly simple concept. Wird goes to the end of the goddamn sentence you mother****er, you don't need to waste one million bagillion million minutes of class saying, ummm... and ahhh... and then laughing at your ignorance and... and... and... and... and... just shut up! Everyone here talks loud too. That bugs me. Shhhh! QUIET DOWN i'm right here for chrissakes! No! No Yelling. Calm. Talking, Whispering. Silence. Just shhhhh and listen to it. Silence is a beautiful thing, and I really really miss it. Most of the time it is filled with the sounds of one of my roommates eating. He's a loud eater. This frusterates me, I hate hearing people eat. It's gross. Really it is. Loud chewers they are. And it bugs me. Alot. Alot alot. what else can I do to kill time. Nothing really. Nope. Maybe sleep or something. Nothing better to do. Not really. I don't really feel like a closer. So I'mna not put one in. Don't like it?




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