Thursday, September 25, 2003

Operation visit girl who talks with her Eyes movening foreward. without parental consent. Oh that's cool. Thinking of being a BAAAAD boy and buying some speakers just to piss off neighbors. You and your boyfriend go ahead and be loud as fuck (pun intended), at one in the goddamn morning when i'm trying to sleep... I'll just push this nice refrigerator sized subwoofer up against your wall and set it for 100 watts. I'll leave it on alllll night. You won't be getting a WINK of sleep and i'll be nice and happy, for two reasons: I successfully have fucked up your night, and I will be sleeping. thanks to earplugs. Yeah this is foreSURELY a liberal arts school. it wouldnt' be so bad if... GOD can't they do that somewhere else? Somewhere NOT 3 feet from where I'm sleeping? ooohh pent up anger from that one hahahah wooosahhhhh woooosah just gotta..... yeah... ahhh... wooo. sahh.. calm. am feeling better though. ahh. Physics midterm tomorrow. meh. you know what kicks ass? actually knowing what the **** you are doing in MV calculus class. That makes me happy. The class seems to just FLY by. I wonder if maybe... maybe I should switch majors.... and do math. hahahahah the kid who struggled soooo hard with multipication tables, is now goofing off in 3d and messing around with integrals. if only mrs. sortun could see me now. Funny, she thought I was going to be a football star. Ha. Ha ha. hahahah. Other things that make me happy are as follows. Physics prof. talking about blocks pushing on other blocks of different mass and saying, "Block A can't push on Block B i... *pause* oooooh... unless it was a telekinetic block *points at head as though he is usening telekinetic powers to light someone on fire or do something equally as cool* and that would just kick ass." That was quality. I think I am going to go and eat dinner. Alone.

Fun Science fact: Cats suffer LESS injury the farther they fall if the fall is greater than 7 or 8 floors, depending on the height of each floor.



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