Thursday, October 02, 2003

Failure sucks. I tried so hard. I studied hard. I did all I could. And still... utter failure. Do you know how that feels? To honestly try, and actually put the effort in. To put the TIME in to... I... I did all I could didn't I? but NO apparently not. Everything wasn't enough I guess. I'm not smart enough for here. I do not belong here. I'm a failure. I just don't understand. what will my parents say? they will demand answers. tell me to throw things away. tell me to study harder demand that I get help but no. don't you understand? i studied. i thought i knew the material. i didn't need help. i knew what i was doing... i thought i knew... and then it all falls apart. that was a good book. things fall apart. yes. everything does... everything... does. they say that suicide becomes an option when a crisis outweighs your coping mechinisms. no. not yet. i still have one. one left. she is my shelter.

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
Hector Louis Berlioz


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