Hummm hummmm dum dum deedum. PROCRASTINATING. SO badly. However, nothing to DO to help in procrastination. Troublesome..... oooh... I can think of one thing I'd LOVE to do, it would be so much FUN and so worthwhile and just perfect. There is the minor detail of me being a good let's seeeeee 4 hours? noooo more like 5 hours. 6 with traffic. I'd totally do it though. If I had a car. If I had the money for a bus ticket. Maybe I should just invent a teleportation device! That would be cool. I could just teleport there. Hum Hum Hum. Trying to be low maintenence. Hopefully the united states postal serivce will be quick on their feet for me and deliver it quickly! Hopefully. German test monday! bum Bum BUM! Another chance for me to BURN I guess. Still haven't completed OWDC. ooooh well. maybe a surprise attack later in the week. Trumpet teacher skipped out on me today too. weird. o. werido. Today is... wednesday! happy hump day! calc and physics tomorrow... and jazz. concert friday. Saturday too. lalala... all the UW kids studying for chem. Test tomorrow so I hear from some folks. Good luck with that, no wait... noooo just going to cheer ONE kid on, because then she'll do extra super dooper superly, and all her hard work will have paid off! Sorry folks, I guess i'm biased. hum hum hum. parents weekend coming up. hence the two concerts.
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