Monday, October 06, 2003

Raining here. It's beautiful. Reminders. Reminders of times past, times to be. Funny to watch everyone all bundled up and running to dinner. I'm a different sort I guess. I took off my sweatshirt. Let the rain soak everything. Why should I care. It's only water. Cool, calm, cleansing water. Feeling like that crazy general ripper from strangelove now... hum. But yeah. The rain just brings back memories for me. Memories of a girl who can talk with her Eyes. Funny, you know, the moment I stepped outside the skies split open and rain fell like ball bearings from the sky. Each drop bouncing off the sidewalk after a terrific impact. The moment I step indoors, the rain abates. and falls to a drizzle, a mist, and finally gone all together. Reminds of a certain character in the late Douglas Adams's "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" series of books.

I miss you 5.


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