Monday, March 08, 2004

feeling so tired. dunno what just came over me, but i am totally exausted. right now i feel as though i could sleep, and never wake up. i was in a really super good mood earler today. felt like i had the world by the tail, and life was good, i had alot to be thankful for. i still have a whole lot to be thankful for, except the problem is i just feel dead. all sorts of hall drama unfolding here, and i'm afraid to look, because i just i cringe when i see how, strange? people can be, and kinda, have started to pull away, because i really dont' want to be involved when shit starts to hit the fan. there are some people that know what they are doing, but others that really really don't, and t worrys me, because these folks would likely be best served if they listened to their hearts for a change, instead of what everyone else tells them they should feel, so yeah. mm hmmm. i feel really really weird. nothing to talk about. nope. nothing of note, no innane rant. come to think of it, it's been a really long time since I ranted on and on about anything. just don't have it in me anymore i guess. maybe i just need a rest. or something. that is the strangest thing. because i am supposed to write about feelings here. but, right now, i don't feel anything. wow, has it been an hour already? i can't make myself even think. maybe i should just sleep. get an early sleep. i wonder why all i want to do is sleep? i wonder.

"We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by."
--Will Rogers



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