so lets review shall we?
having a disproportionate amount of trouble getting my act together. Either I've adapted to sleep through my alarm, or it has developed the unfortunate trait of unreliabilty. I guess I'll have to set two alarms from now on to make sure that this does not happen any further. also realizing that I am starting to get behind in some of my classes. Need to stay on top of things.... too distracted with others though.
I mean isn't this the way that it always goes? You flip out partially into the semester, thinking you're screwed cause you've been screwing around all semester, and so you work your ass of to catch up right? At some point I'll have to break that cycle, but I don't think that now is the time for that. I really want a better chair. This one leaves me woefully unsatisfied. I MUST HAVE ARMRESTS!
Krimson continues to sit on the back burner and Emmanuel seems to be off the stove entirely. Fair play to you. Most of it is just insecurities holding me back. Was I always this afraid? What does this say about me as a person? Am I not the person who is supposed to not care what others have to say, or what people think for that matter. There is supposed to be an inheirant confidence, self worth, in there somewhere. Hrm. I smell a scavenger hunt.
Either that or someone is making pancakes in the basement again.
"Some stories are true that never happened."
-Elie Weisel
having a disproportionate amount of trouble getting my act together. Either I've adapted to sleep through my alarm, or it has developed the unfortunate trait of unreliabilty. I guess I'll have to set two alarms from now on to make sure that this does not happen any further. also realizing that I am starting to get behind in some of my classes. Need to stay on top of things.... too distracted with others though.
I mean isn't this the way that it always goes? You flip out partially into the semester, thinking you're screwed cause you've been screwing around all semester, and so you work your ass of to catch up right? At some point I'll have to break that cycle, but I don't think that now is the time for that. I really want a better chair. This one leaves me woefully unsatisfied. I MUST HAVE ARMRESTS!
Krimson continues to sit on the back burner and Emmanuel seems to be off the stove entirely. Fair play to you. Most of it is just insecurities holding me back. Was I always this afraid? What does this say about me as a person? Am I not the person who is supposed to not care what others have to say, or what people think for that matter. There is supposed to be an inheirant confidence, self worth, in there somewhere. Hrm. I smell a scavenger hunt.
Either that or someone is making pancakes in the basement again.
"Some stories are true that never happened."
-Elie Weisel
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