Worries arise after stories of goings on at large public universities (and even smaller private ones) at parties and such where girls are advised to bring their own cups with tops on them and hold their hand over the top of said drink to prevent the insertion of valium or a similar resistance reducing drug into previously stated drink. Makes me worry for a girl that is more beautiful than she knows. I know such worries are foolish, for all can take care of themselves... but the idea of it happening to someone that I know and care about, this is for everyone now, not just a single case... it makes me angry that people would sink to such lows simply to indulge in carnal pleasures is just... just SICK. and has me doing all sorts of soul - searching about just how much faith I have in the human race. I hate people some times. And now I have to worry too. I just hope that all my worries are in vain, and that nothing so evil does visit on any of the people I care for, weather they know how beautiful they are or not.
New word for today: Truncheonify - v. The act of beating another savagely with a truncheon (rubber or no), trout, or an other, large, heavy, truncheon-like object.
Worries arise after stories of goings on at large public universities (and even smaller private ones) at parties and such where girls are advised to bring their own cups with tops on them and hold their hand over the top of said drink to prevent the insertion of valium or a similar resistance reducing drug into previously stated drink. Makes me worry for a girl that is more beautiful than she knows. I know such worries are foolish, for all can take care of themselves... but the idea of it happening to someone that I know and care about, this is for everyone now, not just a single case... it makes me angry that people would sink to such lows simply to indulge in carnal pleasures is just... just SICK. and has me doing all sorts of soul - searching about just how much faith I have in the human race. I hate people some times. And now I have to worry too. I just hope that all my worries are in vain, and that nothing so evil does visit on any of the people I care for, weather they know how beautiful they are or not.
New word for today: Truncheonify - v. The act of beating another savagely with a truncheon (rubber or no), trout, or an other, large, heavy, truncheon-like object.
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