Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I would launch into some long rant about that whore. But I'm just not feeling it. I'm entirely not angry enough. Anyway. Just cause you're some kind of Sorority slut-faced hoe does not mean that you are smart. No no, see because being a whore is different from being intellegent. And if I ask you a question that you don't have the answer to the appropriate response is, "I don't know." not this bullshit about not having time to explain it to me maybe if I club you in the face with my Econ. book and send you to the hospital you'll have time to explain? Actually, lets try this again, the correct response for someone like you would be:
"Sorry, I'm just talkig out of my ass, trying to look smart for the boys in the class. Really the only reason I'm here is to get drunk and provide frat boys with easy access to tail in the vain hope that one will marry me and provide for me the rest of my life. It might be for the best if you were to not listen to anything that I say from now on."

Silly bitch.

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