Monday, December 06, 2004

The End of All Things.

Everything that has a beginning has an end. I feel the bitterness sweeping steadily away. To where I know not, I see a metamorphisis at long last, and there is nothing. Feels as though I no longer must see red. I can see blue if I want. Tomorrow I'm taking an important test. The day after, I have an important presentation. This is how I like it. I want to burn. I want to push so hard that my body gives out while my mind aches for more. This is what makes me feel alive. Knowing that I am exsausted, but continuting anyway. Eminem's lyrics and verse swim in my minds eye. 'till i collapse. But you see, I havn't yet. I havn't even begun. After this, I'll be free for a moment. But for now, I want nothing more than knowledge. It's like a Hunger inside of me. I can't sleep because I feel it pull me. I lie awake reading of Final Theorys, Psychlogy, Manipulation, Persuasion, Scandal and Deciet...

This is my time now.

I am finally free.


The desire to be loved is the last illusion: Let it go and you will be Free."



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