And now for something completely differn't: I feel good. Just yeah. Funny how this turned from more than a place to post thoughts into more of a hey lets listen to some fool rant on and on about totally absurd topics. More often than not I think I made no effing sense but hey! lesson learned right? 'cept what lesson is that exactly? Right... Hum. What lesson was that again? Anyway. Lund has Equus. It's a horse in all senses of the word. According to the clever one, it is a very good reason that one should never ever mix LSD and Cocaine... yeah. Drove the trumpet teacher nuts with it today. Amusing. So that made my day good... got to play that tune, and then got to hang around with a girl who can talk with her Eyes (my apologies to 2nu) quite a bit. Always makes me feel quite, "warm" and, "fuzzy". The quotation marks foresurely make that sentence happen. Don't think I could admit to feeling warm and fuzzy without them. Strange to feel good for a change. But I foresurely wouldn't trade it away, strange yes, but there is a good strange and a bad strange... this... this is a good strange as feeling good is an obvious improvement over feeling bad so what the hell am I calling it strange for. Oh, right. Had forgotten what it was like. Yeah. It's good. Not being very coherent this evening am I? Further proof that only females are capable of multitasking. Also partially to blame for why I cannot drive a stick to save my life. It's a life skill. I'll learn some day. Late start tomorrow. Whooppee. Also senior picture tomorrow... and then english on friday... I'd say that is about a 9 on the ohhellometer. Blasted IB. You want world lit? I've got your world lit right here! /me shakes fist in the air as if to somehow show anger and frusteration with the IB gods. Milk is good.
"Cats are smarter than dogs. You can not get eight cats to pull a sled through snow."
"Cats are smarter than dogs. You can not get eight cats to pull a sled through snow."
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