Let's see. Tennis again. Good thing i guess. Some people very frusterating. The awkward summer is doing its thang... and you realize that all those promises to do things with other people are just empty notices of your irrelevance. Girl that talks with her eyes is en route to california for a cruise. Lucky her. Now I need to try and find something to do with myself in the meantime. There are plans afoot. Axis and Allies. The Goods. Frizz-Bee. And apparently paintballing as well... Though this paintballing bussiness has me leery... not to keen on getting mowed down by Batman and company. Decisions are good. And healthy. The demon from hell for all lovers has attacked both of us, but we set down and worked it out. And that is a good thing. Pleased with the outcome. Part of me now smirking at that last sentence for I don't know that anyone that reads this will be able to understand that last bit. Does anyone read this? Heh i don't even know. Knowing would be a good thing. The only problem with havening a blog is that when you know that people read it you are hesitant to write about them. meh. Tough cookies I guess.
"Life is pain, princess. . . anyone who says differently is selling something"
"Life is pain, princess. . . anyone who says differently is selling something"
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