Sunday, March 16, 2003

Soooo yeah.
All state.
Been there.
Done that.
Got the T-Shirt.

About that. Music was easy. People ahead of me were bad. Met some cool people, didn't get a girls' Aim-name though. Which is a shame since she was really cool. She's in town though so maybe I'll run into her some time. Meh. Princess Diary girl (wow this girl was uncool... you have NO idea... ugh... pity me. No really... pity me.) asked me for an E-mail address. Gave her a fake one. I almost felt bad. ALMOST. If it weren't for the fact that she had a really abrasive personality and was about as good looking as an Eighty Year old prostitute. Even that might be giving her too much credit. She had a dead cat on her shoulder. Yeah. I guess she called it her hair. Nonetheless I was glad to get home and see that it was not indeed MY cat.
But yeah about that other girl... she's really cool. And what are you supposed to think when she tells you not to move from the spot you are at because she want's to continue to speak... or when sitting on a bench, rapidly closes the gap 'twixt you and her? It is prolly nothing but it was nice to be treated like a human you know? Kind of like when a pretty girl asks you to dance... you know there is nothing there cause you are just friends and all that, but it makes me feel less repulsive. Nice to know that not everything that I look at (weak words, yes. But I figured that, "gaze on, or gaze at, or look on" all had some undesired conotations...) withers and dies. Anyhow prolly nothing there anyway but it is a shame that I won't get to see her again.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them



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