Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Welcome to my cryptic day.

Leaving for all state tomorrow. but only AFTER being subjected to ruthless finals. Whooooppeeeee. Spent about 3 hours writing notes for my English group grrrrr. You had darn well better appreciate those notes, if not use them at least. H20 Calc and Physics tomorrow. Let me see... hum screwed... screwed... and not screwed. Cool 2 for three ain't bad... Hum... funny that I can't even say why my day got so damn weird. Final day of the juxtiposition of the Bethis project is tomorrow. Looks like it isn't going to work out... who knows. More of this waiting game... just let the ball roll and stop where it may. Not that talkitive. Been trying to rebuild self esteem in others for the past few hours. Delicate work to say the least. I'm really tired. I'm going to go eat soup. And the quest for self-discovery continues...

"Of all types of caution, caution in love is the most fatal."



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