Just spent the better half of an hour (read: hour and one half) Grappleing with Registration for Willie. Whoa damn. That whole process. way more complicated-ed than it needed -ed to be. Going to be taking some computer science classes hopefully. Go me. Will be fun. Always wanted to know how that shizzile worked. Very hungry. Very. Tuna sammich en route. Girl Who Talks with Her Eyes coming home tomorrow. Happy me. Regrettable is that I leave a few days later... fishing (read:fishening). Fun fun. Satellite phones are great. Needing to make plans to go and see large cats. Speaking of cats. Pandora has caught birds... and eaten them... disturbing. Good to know that my clever compatriot was having the same issues with the mind being less patient than the heart, always good to know that you are not alone when faced with a conundrum such as that... though I must admit one always wonders about reciprocity. And how nice it would be to be pyschic. Yeah. That would be cool. Parade yesterday. Heard name screamed more than once, bizzare. I didn't see who any of them were. And that is unfortunate.
"Only those who attempt the absurd...will achieve the impossible. I think...I think it's in my basement...Let me go upstairs and check." - M.C. Escher"
"Only those who attempt the absurd...will achieve the impossible. I think...I think it's in my basement...Let me go upstairs and check." - M.C. Escher"
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