Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Never. Not for you. No no. Never.

Friday, August 19, 2005

I keep seeing over and over in my head images of a dead father and a broken family.

over and over, and i can't make them go away.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I require cuddling.

There. I said it.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.

Catherine Bell rocks my world by the way.

Bandages off, scabs never happen if you leave the field dressing on forever. While it's unsightly and a bit awkward to deal with at first, eventually everything gets back to normal. In the meantime I just deal with moist elbows and legs.

Huh, just realized that what I said could be taken as 100% metaphor. Neato, cause I meant it literally, but the metaphorical undertones work as well considering... considering many things.

Jessica Alba also rocks my world. Watched Sin City tonight, and was just... stuck dumb by her. Lucky Bruce Willis. Very lucky. The movie was good too. I liked the way it was about 3 small people in a big world, each with their own fish to fry, yet all seperated by one degree. In this case it was the waitress at the saloon. So part way through Y's story Z walks through the picture and you know where he's going, and what he's going to do, and how he's going to take his time before killing so and so. Calling that movie dark would be giving darkness a bad name. Poor fucking darkness, it gets ragged on all the effing time. He's a nice guy, once you get to know him... anyway yeah. There was alot of effed up stuff that goes down. Alot. Everything from pedophilia to cannibalism. And bruce willis gets shot 12 times. But doesn't die, cause he's a badass. I also took pause at the ancient authurian legend overtones in some areas. Mostly with reguard to willis's character, calls himself Galahad, and also in his general behavior. It's clear he considers himself incorruptable. A noble effort, and a image worthy of praise. But I think we all know that even the most determined fall well short of that goal.

"By the way, nice chicken"


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Old friend from german is in Iraq. I hear that he has 8 confirmed hostile kills.


That could be me.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

This is me, not 100% forgotten.

And as for you, calm down. Even I forget things, and even I *gasp* make mistakes. You sounds less and less like the ocean all the time. But what can I say? People change.

Now back the hell up and let me get my hammer and nails.


Friday, August 05, 2005

What made today worth waking up for: Driving across the 4th Avenue Bridge on a hot day (was 91 today). The windows are open and a killer crosswind that smelled like the bay is going in one side, and out the other. Meanwhile Will Smith's "Summertime" is coming off the stereo system, and traffic is moving just slow enough to qualify the whole thing as, "Chill".

Prolly one of the high points of my summer, right there.

On a side note, does anyone really remember what the old blogger interface used to look like? This seems to be so... well I'll just say it, "Emo psychobitch" friendly. Don't believe me? I DARE you to browse the blogs here. I'm SuRe YoUr gOiNg 2 fEnD aLoT oF sHiT lieK ThIs. I have stated my position on this before, and it shall be resated once more: Be glad for your internet anonymity. For if ever I find you, I will end you.

In other news I've got legs! Wewt!


Monday, August 01, 2005

Exhaustion for teh win.

School starts up pretty soon here. I need to figure out something to do. Something fun. Something outside. Or something. Today is one of those days where I don't really feel like doing anything. I feel like I need something NEW to do. I guess I'll just have to see what technological goodies I can find to blow some cash on. Mmm... goodies.