Friday, October 31, 2003

I like to type in a steady rhythm key key space key key space. it is comforting. it is steady. i like steady things. I don't like anything but i love everything and now i am kinda of lost and i don't really know where i am going. i don't know what i am doing either and then part of me doesn't want to care but then the other part of me totally cares. i don't want this lifeanymore i don't know why i hate everything i hate struggle i hate conflict i hate conflict within myself. and i hatemyself for letting myself tear myself apart. I have not started physics it is due tomrrow. i don't know what i will do. ii''llll fail once more. i think thatis a good idea i feel hollow nothing matters it alli s temporary. i'm dying. and so are you and so it doesn't matter a bit what the hell we do withourselves. i'm done i quit i throw in the towel. look at me now momand dad thisis the son that you had high hopes for, this was your last chance this was my only chance. sorry i guess i blew it. i don't know what to say other than that this whole beinga failure thing is new to me. it is one thing to be able to control it. and understand failure. it is another to have it smack you in the motherfucking forehead with an elephant or some crazy shit like that so much anger to channel and so little time i feel small i feel stupid i feel like i have shit for brains i feel that nothing is working right i feel that what i've depended on is gone i feel like everything is broke n and everything is falling apart. things fall apart. i don't know what i feel everything is so confusing i dont know anything anything oh my god what is happening to me slow down think oh my god no stop okay think no don't think but i have to what the fuck is going on here STOP NO! leave me alone please i didn't mean it it it isn't my fault i swear to god please no jjstu leave me alone now. but they wont and i feel like dorthy swept up in a tornado and i don't kno w

where the fuck i am OZ?!?! the fuck is that some fox reality show? where in the fuck are the cameras find me some people to injure

No stop calm think shhhhh. be quiet...


no. no. no.! NO! STOP! shh... it's all okay


NO you're being blind you have to hold on to hope

What motherfucking hope is left for me here?!? you really think that we can turn this shitstorm of a life around? I'M FUCKING USELESS DIPSHIT!

shhh... calm yourself just calm the fuck down.

YOU CALM THE FUCK DOWN I can't TAKE this SHIT. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING! WHY ARE THINGS DIFFERENT?! I don't UNDERSTAND. I tried SO motherfucking HARD bitch! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING! where AM i GOING?! where is everything going i don't understand make it stop no... no... no...

shhh... just shh... it will all be over soon. shhh...

i don't want... no... not over soon no. regain CONTROL NO! I CAn'tstOP nO! WE.. i.. . i .. have to .. keep going?


i will die a FAILURE then.?.?. and that is ALL... NO i really wish it... NO I KNOW IT WON'T happen like this ... SOMETHING ELSE NOT FUCKING THIS

shh... no one is going anywhere.

THEN what then?! where the FUCK am I? ANSWER ME YOU SICK FUCK!

shh... you need to sleep. it doesn't matter anyhow

WHAT THE FUCK are you TALKING about it DOES matter BITCH! how the FUCk am I sUppoSED to DEAL with this SHIT!

you aren't supposed to. just get over it... "bitch"


shh... you'll wake the neighbors. it's my life too. I simply don't give a shit. it will happen one way or another.

FUCKHEAD. why the FUCK you answer in RIDDLES.

It makes me look smarter.


You never really asked it.


no.... no STOP. STOP IT. this is NOT over the life is notover

WHATABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE HUH BITCH? what about that? where is. what? i... it's all come undone... THERE IS no life for ME here no life for US because I'm SURE AS ALL FUCKING HELL TAKING YOU WITH ME

NO not like this. anything but this just NO quiet. shhh... sleep now

DON"T YOU FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU... you... you're me...

i guess... it's over then?

what is?

i don'tknow... us? life?

i don't think so... i'd imagine the sun will come up again...

things will never be the same will they.

no. i don't think they ever will.

shhh... sleep now. it'll all be over soon.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Well... six months ago.... makes me grin. #6 for #5 and #4. Hehehe 456. This amuses me. Hard to believe in some ways too though. Happyness. Yay. Grin... good thoughts and positive things. Don't care about what else is going on... It doesn't matter that I'm a failure. and that is nice. I like having something constant in my life. Especially such a wonderful constant. Don't think that there is a better constant. Heh, actually I'm SURE there isn't. #6! SO happy. Sad that we aren't together! But oooooooH We'll have #8 together. And that is almost as good. Actually better! because that will be 2 whole more months... and that will be just that much more stuff that we will have survived.


Tuesday, October 28, 2003


Keep your headin the game sohn. You've survived before. You'll do it again. No matter what. You serve a purpose. Even if only to be a warning to others. That is your purpose. You have to live for them then. And SHUTUP. did you EVER once think about how that would affect others you selfish sonuvabitch? Too busy thinking about your own worthless self to realize that such action would decimate those that you most care about? God i"m a fucking idiot sometimes. There are at least a thousand people dying every day from cancer. Do you think that they wouldn't like to switch places with you right now? Do you think that they wouldn't switch places with you in a HEARTBEAT? Okay then shut the fuck up because you can't give up. no you can't ever give up. never. ever. EVER! you hear me you selfish little brat? fucking suck it up and DEAL with it. never give up. never give up. never give up ever. EVER! Hold onto your hope. don't let it go! You can't let it go. you need her. you know she is there for you. you know she will never abandon you. she will pick you when you are broken and glue you back together with a hug you need to remember that. A girl who can talk with her Eyes. how can she be so strong? so forgiving? so everything. when... I am nothing. I don't understand. She still believes in me. I dont' know why. Especially now. I don't know why. I can't know why she just does thank you so much for not giving up on me. If you don't give up I know I cannot. Never give up. Never. Ever.

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
--Teddy Roosevelt
Citizenship in a Republic

So that's it then. Nevermind how determined I am. That's it then. I've failed and it's over. I tried so hard. again. i thought it would be different this time. or something. i remember matriculation. i guess my candle blew out. there goes the scholorship. there goes an on time graduation. there goes this school. there goes my pride. there goes my life. i want to die now. there isn't anything left. how can she look at me. i am a failure. i am nothing. what have i ever done. what happened. i am just another statistic now. i am the percentage that does not graduate. i am the percentage that drops out and kills themselves. i don't want to live anymore i just want to end it all andi can't deal with this anymore. i treid so hard i can't type through the tears. i wish everythin would go away. let me die. i want to die just FUCK OFF it doesn't matter anymore it is all hopeless. oh and i KNEW the material but i couldn't do it. so now what. i guess i go killmyelf or something. no this isn't the end of the road i tellmyself. but it really is. i tried so hard. and there is nothing. i tried so hard and i will fail. why bother trying anymore. i'll just fail againandagain
again. i'm sorry.

"Suicide is your way of telling God: you can't fire me. I quit."


Sunday, October 26, 2003

On Determination, Indomitable

Emotions run deep as Ocean's explodin.'
Tempers flaring from parents,
just blow 'em off and keep goin.'
Not takin 'nothin' from no one,
give 'em hell long as I'm breathin.'
Keep kickin' ass in the mornin,'
an' takin' names in the evening.
Leav'em with a taste sour as vinegar in they mouth.
See they can trigger me, but they'll never figure me out
Look at me now, I bet ya probably sick of me now.... "

-Eminem, Cleaning Out my Closet


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

"Cause sometimes you feel tired, you feel weak,
and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, find that inner strength
And just pull that shit out of you, and get that motivation not to give up
And not be a quitter no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face
and collapse"
the teams:

Kitten vs 10 college girls and one very amused passer-by (me)

the score:

Kitten: 1,999 (not y2k compliant)
Girls: -958
Amused passer by: 1,000 (just because I'm cool)


You know what bugs me? There is a general outcry here from self dubbed liberals and "free thinkers" that we are just leaving iraq a mess and that we aren't rebuilding and yada yada yada. Alrighty. So far I don't care. The part that begins to piss me off is when the college republicans decide it will be a great idea to have a money drive to benefit the Iraq reconstruction fund. Annnnnd the total amount of money raised........ a whole 5 dollars.

So now, I'm pissed.

How can someone be so hypocritical? First you complain that we aren't helping enough, but then you refuse to help too I mean... ughy I don't know anymore but for you to turn on your own beliefs of compassion... I mean that's what they seemed to be saying before we must be compassionate and give SO MUCH MONEY... but then... they don't. The view from here, as someone who likes to think of himself as independant is that the "free thinkers" and liberals just made their collective selves look like an ass. And hey... yeah./.. college students don't have much money but I mean.... 5 dollars? hell... I donated 1/5 of that. I mean... just wow. To complain about something and not take action when the chance is offered to try and fix it bugs me. Either bitch about something and fix it when you have the chance, or shut the hell up.

And yeah I know. They aren't all responsible for it... but this was a huge bone of contention we must HELP the Iraqi people! We must have fundraisers! Okay. There you go, a fundraiser. And you didn't donate.... BLAH just angers me. I dont' give a fuck about your political orientation. when you complain about something so loudly, you're supposed to actually have a desire to fix it. Not just bitch about it. If you're not going to fix it then who the hell do you expect to do it? The government? Hell they couldn't I dunno. Insert devisive comment about bearucrats and bearuocracy here. I'm tired. I have a stomachache, and I am taking a nap. Then studying for Physics midterm. I'mna slap that thing around like a... uhm... I dunno what. but something that gets slapped alot. like a toothbrush. or something. I'm out. brain dying. oh well.

Oh yeah. Other things that bring me enjoyment. Shocking my entire class by playing devils advocate as to if the Atom bomb was a good idea or not. Funny to watch the expessions on their faces. They were all talking about life being sacred, and every life is everything in the universe. I said that it was better their civilians and citizens then our soldiers. The rationale was if you had Your mother in one room, and a complete stranger in the other, and you had to pick one of them to die. You would pick the person you didn't know. Why? Because his life is not as important to you as your mothers is to you. I dunno. Sometimes I just like fuckin' with those people. There are some really nebulous thinkers in that class too *sigh* oh well. Different strokes for different folks. Or something.

"Kill them all. God will know his own." "(Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet)"
--Amal Ulric


Sunday, October 19, 2003

Music: Nine Days - Absolutely


This is the story of a girl
Who cried a river and drowned the whole world
And while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her

This is the story of a girl
Who's pretty face she hid from the world
And while she looked so sad and lonely there
I absolutely love her

This is the story of a girl
Who cried a river and drowned the whole world
And while she looked so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her when she smiles"


Saturday, October 18, 2003

So I'm looking at my Winamp Player. There are 247 songs there.

Eachone has a memory assigned to it. Homecoming. Prom. Tolo. Sadies. Friends. Stress. Paper. Stress. Another paper. Winter. A project. A Friend. A place... A tune... a friend.

Every single one is there for a reason and I can tell you why.

Right now: Dashboard Confessionals - The Brilliant Dance; this is from Tolo 2003

Eminem - Without Me; Swimming in the deschutes river with a friend i'll never forget. And calculus homework, can't forget that shit. I loved it as much as I hated it.

Pink Floyd - Time; Because we all do, because it was new, because it made you think, and what am I doing with my life that is so great anyway?

David Ball - Riding with Private Malone; From the Artist. She sent me the names of 3 songs one night, 3 totally different... contrasting songs. I remember driving to bellingham with my parents. And it came on. And my father, listened. And he cried. I had never seen the man cry. And never have since, not even when his mother died. But something about that song, touched a part of him that he manages to keep hidden at all other times. I'm not going to ask. We all have our demons, he should be allowed his, and can let them out when he feels like it. Maybe never, the walls may just be built too high and too thick.

It is four years of my life... in song...

my life's soundtrack.


Friday, October 17, 2003

So yeah. Football game on campus... republicans vesus democrats. I can see it now... democrats have two times the number of people on their team as the republicans. However, before the democrat team can score... everyone on the team must touch the ball. Unless your name is Al Gore, then, (insert witty comment here, I would imagine something to do with recounts).

Paper due monday. Must come up with a painless way to kill self before then.

How does one eat SOME dinner. Either you eat it. Or you don't. None of this... maybe i'll eat it bullcrap.

Ughy. Someone buy me a train ticket. Oh wait... too late...

Everything moved slowly when I saw her. The rain seemed to fall gently, like snowflakes.
- The Sandman, Endless Nights --- Death, Death and Venice


Wednesday, October 15, 2003


My words confuse you
My eyes do not move or blink
Cause it is easier sometimes
Not to be sincere
Somehow I make you believe
When I speak, I cross my fingers
Will you know you've been deceived?
I find a need to be the demon
A demon cannot be hurt
Honest is easy
Fiction is where genius lies
Cause itas easier sometimes
Not to be involved
Somehow I make you believe
When I speak, I cross my fingers
Will you know you've been deceived?
I find a need to be the demon
A demon cannot be hurt
When I speak, I cross my fingers
Will you know you've been deceived?
I find a need to be the demon
A demon cannot be hurt...
When I speak, I cross my fingers
Will you know you've been deceived?
I find a need to be the demon
A demon cannot be hurt

Guster - Demons

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Sometimes. I scare even myself. I am not as prepared as I think I am. THere are things waiting for me. Waiting to get me. They are hanging above my head. I can feel them. But I cannot see them. I think everyone else can see them though. They are all preparing. I am not. I would, If only i knew what I was supposed to prepare for. Do you know? Do you really? *sigh* no. Does anyone know? So much uncertainty. I mean. Was life ALWAYS this uncertain? What makes things uncertain? Obviously. The lack of certain-itude. But... AHHHH! I want to scream and just cry and its... it stress and it makes me ask questions and i don'tw atn to ask them NO. i know the answers i know them and then then then the questions come again but i've already answered the QUESTION FUCK THE SHUT UP I"M NUT BSDFLKANSDDGLKBSDALKSDFNKLA;NSDFLKASJDFLKNASFKNADSFLKAFJLRLEIUAQ;WJNDO87328 calm. now. it is a multiple choice test with 1 answer anda million questions and then... you're only supposed to use that answer 999,999 times. not a million. and there is ONE thing not answerd but that question's blank so you're never goig to know what you answered wrong... and i can't take it. it is just the stress. everything is comeing at me. and i'm not prepared. because i don't know it's coming at me. help?

"Everyone has demons. Not all can be vanquished with a sword."


Monday, October 13, 2003

"Somewhere there's speaking
It's already coming in
Oh and it's rising at the back of your mind
You never could get it
Unless you were fed it
Now you're here and you don't know why

But under skinned knees and the skid marks
Past the places where you used to learn
You howl and listen
Listen and wait for the
Echoes of angels who won't return"

Sunday, October 12, 2003

What Questions will you ask, now that the world is Burning?
I really really really super duper don't want o write my paper. BLAH.

It's all okay.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Years ofsolitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitudebroken by love broken by years of solitude brokenn by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solituded broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by yeears of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by yeasr of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude brokenby love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by yeasr of solitude broken by love broken by years of solituded broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by yeras of solidude broken by love broken by yeahs of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by years of solitude broken by love brokn by yeasr of solitude broken by love broken by yeasr of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years os solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken bny years of solitude broken by love brokebn by love broken by yeasr of solitude broken by love broken by yrears of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by lover broken hy years of solitude broken by love rboken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by yrears of solitude broken by love broke by years of solitude broken by love fbroken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by yreas or solitude broken by love broken by yeasr of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken b years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solidude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken byyears of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by yeasr of solitude broken by love broken by yeares of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken byt love broken by yreas of solitude broken by love brokenny but years of solitude broken by love broken by yeasrs of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love broken by yeears of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken bu love broken by yeasrs of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by klove broken bty years of solitude broken by love broken by years of solitude broken by love

...broken by what?

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

just hit a cranefly with my shoe... I got about 8 feet of distance. damn i'm good. Considering the air resistance on those buggers... 8 feet! I rock! I am so cool! Send me money! or.. something... hum. Please?
Hummm hummmm dum dum deedum. PROCRASTINATING. SO badly. However, nothing to DO to help in procrastination. Troublesome..... oooh... I can think of one thing I'd LOVE to do, it would be so much FUN and so worthwhile and just perfect. There is the minor detail of me being a good let's seeeeee 4 hours? noooo more like 5 hours. 6 with traffic. I'd totally do it though. If I had a car. If I had the money for a bus ticket. Maybe I should just invent a teleportation device! That would be cool. I could just teleport there. Hum Hum Hum. Trying to be low maintenence. Hopefully the united states postal serivce will be quick on their feet for me and deliver it quickly! Hopefully. German test monday! bum Bum BUM! Another chance for me to BURN I guess. Still haven't completed OWDC. ooooh well. maybe a surprise attack later in the week. Trumpet teacher skipped out on me today too. weird. o. werido. Today is... wednesday! happy hump day! calc and physics tomorrow... and jazz. concert friday. Saturday too. lalala... all the UW kids studying for chem. Test tomorrow so I hear from some folks. Good luck with that, no wait... noooo just going to cheer ONE kid on, because then she'll do extra super dooper superly, and all her hard work will have paid off! Sorry folks, I guess i'm biased. hum hum hum. parents weekend coming up. hence the two concerts.
I wish that she was not hurting. I wish that she were happy.

It hurts me to know that I am powerless to help her.

I'm so sorry. Give it to me, lay the burden on me that hers might be lighter.

But I still feel as though everything, every word I say only makes it worse.

I'm sorry. I'm trying the best that I can.

i know, it will never be enough. i'm just not sufficent.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Being asked questions. People trying to be sly, and cunning, except failing miserably. Feeling that I must justify my actions and the choices made. It is impossible to explain, and when I do, I feel like I'm saying something totally wrong, and if the other half found out I said that she'd be raging pissed. I don't think so though. I mean it's just a cheerleader being a cheerleader I suppose. Make more friends! How are the girls? are they better than the girl who talks with her Eyes? God? How am I supposed make them undersand? Give me patience lord. Please.

I wonder where she is. Worrys mount. Dispel them with logic. She is a big girl now, she can handle herself. She's fine. But... why then... I'm just confused I guess.

I hope she is alright.
Have discovered on campus network.


Monday, October 06, 2003

Raining here. It's beautiful. Reminders. Reminders of times past, times to be. Funny to watch everyone all bundled up and running to dinner. I'm a different sort I guess. I took off my sweatshirt. Let the rain soak everything. Why should I care. It's only water. Cool, calm, cleansing water. Feeling like that crazy general ripper from strangelove now... hum. But yeah. The rain just brings back memories for me. Memories of a girl who can talk with her Eyes. Funny, you know, the moment I stepped outside the skies split open and rain fell like ball bearings from the sky. Each drop bouncing off the sidewalk after a terrific impact. The moment I step indoors, the rain abates. and falls to a drizzle, a mist, and finally gone all together. Reminds of a certain character in the late Douglas Adams's "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" series of books.

I miss you 5.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

I just want to scream.

It was capture the flag. that's all it was supposed to fucking be.

there is nothing

Saturday, October 04, 2003

OWDC goes off without a hitch.

Could even call it "hitchless"

King Size. Curious. What does this tell us about, um. Kings? Are they fat? Why is there no QUEEN size? How big would one of those be?why does king size always mean larger? I'm so confused. not really though....

Friday, October 03, 2003

Jesus fucking christ. THe fuck is this shit? I just put a staple into my wrist. Blood all over the fucking place. What a goddamn mess. And how in the FUCK did that staple get there? Things like this keep me from sleep at night...


Thursday, October 02, 2003

Failure sucks. I tried so hard. I studied hard. I did all I could. And still... utter failure. Do you know how that feels? To honestly try, and actually put the effort in. To put the TIME in to... I... I did all I could didn't I? but NO apparently not. Everything wasn't enough I guess. I'm not smart enough for here. I do not belong here. I'm a failure. I just don't understand. what will my parents say? they will demand answers. tell me to throw things away. tell me to study harder demand that I get help but no. don't you understand? i studied. i thought i knew the material. i didn't need help. i knew what i was doing... i thought i knew... and then it all falls apart. that was a good book. things fall apart. yes. everything does... everything... does. they say that suicide becomes an option when a crisis outweighs your coping mechinisms. no. not yet. i still have one. one left. she is my shelter.

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
Hector Louis Berlioz

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

I suppose that I could sit here and do this for a long time. And not really say anything but that would be stupid. Really really dumb guy in my german class. Wow this kid is a dolt. He's blonde too. And yo9u know what. I'm going to be a superfical ****head and just fly off the handle about him. him with his spikey, perfectly styled blonde hair and abercrombie and bitch t-shirts and sweatshirts and shirt shirts and BLAH! Stupid little high voice and GNAH! wanna punch him in the face. HE BUGS ME. Dunno why. he just. DOES. Really stupid too. or at least that's the way he came off. reallly simple concept. Wird goes to the end of the goddamn sentence you mother****er, you don't need to waste one million bagillion million minutes of class saying, ummm... and ahhh... and then laughing at your ignorance and... and... and... and... and... just shut up! Everyone here talks loud too. That bugs me. Shhhh! QUIET DOWN i'm right here for chrissakes! No! No Yelling. Calm. Talking, Whispering. Silence. Just shhhhh and listen to it. Silence is a beautiful thing, and I really really miss it. Most of the time it is filled with the sounds of one of my roommates eating. He's a loud eater. This frusterates me, I hate hearing people eat. It's gross. Really it is. Loud chewers they are. And it bugs me. Alot. Alot alot. what else can I do to kill time. Nothing really. Nope. Maybe sleep or something. Nothing better to do. Not really. I don't really feel like a closer. So I'mna not put one in. Don't like it?


Just.... me. Sitting.
No real anything to speak of really.
Boredom. it's a funny thing. Really bored. No real homeworks to speaks of...
" Ahh, good day to you Mrs. Pan, this is,... safety Dan over at the,... safety,... squad ... Also we have recently come to find that your house has in no way been targeted for multiple eggings and tolietpaperings. So you’ve got nothing to worry about. Prolly just go to your stupid boyfriend’s party and um… no one at all will egg the ever loving crap out of your house. Ok! Once again, I’m safety Dan, Happy Halloween!"
-Strong Bad